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Raw Chocolate Truffles

Winston Churchill Said: Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
And of course, in this case it's not about the awesome Raw chocolate truffles, that I've made! They are totally fine and came out pretty good!

I'm not going to talk about the truffles here. I was thinking how important is to get used with the failure. Not that it's ok to fail, but it's okay to try again and again, until you have the result you want.

You does not have to accept  the ''almost that'' what you want, you should fight for the things what you want and exactly how you want them. And yes, I know how difficult is sometimes, but I doubt that it's not worth it.

And sometimes you'll be exhausted to death, tired, feeling that you're away from your friends, you'll have to forgot for your social life in the name of just one idea.
And sometimes it's gonna be just up to the luck.
If I can add something to Winston's thought, it will be that you should be damn good at what you do, or damn crazy to believe that you'll succeed.

And in the moments when you feel fucked up, the only thing you need is just to step away from the problems and breath for a while. Not everything in life it based on your efforts. Go to some forgotten village, rent a nice house with a big fireplace and open a bottle of wine.

Probably this will helps more than you can imagine.
And if this does not help, you can always prepare a dozen Truffles and eat them all :)

We must remember that if you're doing everything that you can to get something, then God will help you too.

Now, let's give you the recipe for those:

  • 1 cup dates;
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds;
  • 0.45 lb raw soaked cashew;
  • 2 tbsp rum;
  • unsweetened cocoa;
  • coconut;

After leaving the cashew for at least 30 min in water to soak, pour them into the mixer with the dates and grind until you have a paste.
Add the chia seeds and the rum and blend for a while.
Using your hands form a little truffles and roll them into the cocoa or the coconut.
Bon appetit!

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