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Halloween Pumpkin Latte with Cinnamon

While waiting for one of the most funniest holidays in the USA, which nowadays is a world-wide tradition. In Bulgaria is not very popular for now, but the smallest Vamps are happy because of all sweet treats they can get this day :)

In another point of view, the parents are in crazy and speed rivalry for the most beautiful costume for the kids. And while they are in such a rush, they can reward themselves with one nice Pumpkin Latte.

What else I can say for the specific Latte is that I'm totally in love with it!
There is no need and to say how healthy the pumpkin can be for our body and good physical status in these cold months. I think this is the perfect moment to consume pumpkin. It's tasty, can be added to salads, desserts, coffee drinks, can be served only baked with honey and walnuts, smashed with sugar and cinnamon and many other ways, and the mainly reason is that it's good for your health!

Another good reason to start using pumpkins in your kitchen is that they does not have much calories, can be added into any diet and it's good for people with stomach problems.

Contains a lot of Vitamins like Vit C, Vit K, Vit A, which can provide your body with natural antioxidants B1, Vit B2, Vit D and Vit T., which helps in prevention of different anemia.

So far so good! In a few hours the Halloween Day will begin and you need to prepare good for it! First of all, you'll need a giant cup of coffee most - already if you're about to decorate the pumpkins with the kids :)

What you'll need to have in your kitchen to prepare the Delicious Halloween Pumpkin Latte?
Ingredients: For 2 cups
  • 1 cup espresso coffee;
  • 5-6 tbsp pumpkin puree (cooked and smashed with fork pumpkin);
  • 1 and 1/2 cup milk;
  • whipped cream;
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg;
  • Toffy sauce (recipe below);

In dry casserole add the cinnamon, the black pepper and nutmeg to hot a little bit and pour the milk. Leave it to boil.
At the bottom of the two cups that you choose to serve in, add half of the pumpkin puree and a few table spoons of the Toffy sauce.
On top of is pour half of the hot espresso. After that add to trickle half of the steamed milk.
Decorate with whipped cream, cinnamon and more of the Toffy sauce.

Recipe for the Toffy sauce:
This is the perfect moment to add that this sauce is one of my favorites and it's deadly tasty!
  • 3.5 lb milk;
  • 3.5 lb butter;
  • 1 cup sugar ;
  • and a dry casserole;

It is important that the three ingredients ti be very hot !!!
Burn to light the sugar and in the same time you can meld the butter into the microwave if you have one. Take of from the hot plate and add to trickle the hot melted butter, stirring constantly.
Wait for 10 sec and again add to trickle the steamed milk. Return onto the hot plate for about 1 min.

The sauce can be kept in a dry jar. And can be added to any desserts!

Bon apatite and Happy Halloween! :)

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